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새로움을 여는 세상, 충북대학교


홈 개신골광장 공지사항 행사/세미나공지
트위터 페이스북 인쇄
조회수 : 935 작성일 : 2024.01.23
[국위연] The 12th Global Crisisonomy Symposium 개최 안내 상세보기
[국위연] The 12th Global Crisisonomy Symposium 개최 안내
행사일 2024-01-27
작성자 국가위기관리연구소
The 12th Global Crisisonomy Symposium
Urban Disaster Resilience and the Protection and Maintenance of
Critical Infrastructure in the Era of the Climate Crisis

Schedule: 27 Jan. - 1 Feb. 2024
Venue: California State University(CSULB), Long Beach ,USA

Co-host Organizations
Global Crisisonomy Institute (GCI)
National Crisisonomy Institute (NCI), Chungbuk National University, Korea
Disaster Prevention Design Institute (DPDI), Hanbat National University, Korea
Korean Association for Crisis and Emergency Management (KACEM)
Crisis and Emergency Management: Theory and Praxis (CEMTP)
Convergence and Open Sharing System Immersive Media, PaiChai University
Daejeon Design Firms Association (DDFA)
The Hwaseong Institute, Korea
Convergent/Innovative Human Resource Training Program for Greenhouse Gas Reduction
at Ajou University, Korea

Sponsored by
California State University, Long Beach Campus, USA
National Research Foundation of Korea
Chungbuk National University, Korea

Organizing Committee of 
the 12th Global Crisisonomy Symposium

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